Chapter 1

Ok so you might be womnderring how the FREAK there is a squeakquel when Y/N litreweraly died last time.

y/n was so eggcited (its like being excited but with eggs) for school. Why tf is bingus happy for schiool??? Well i dont fucking know. jk its because y/n has a bitch/,. That bitch’ s name you may be wondering? f/n. (A/N: f/n stands for friend name if you were unaware) yeah dtas right. y/n can getty bitches! "Greetings my abhorrent liege." omg!! "I could reconize that voice anywhere!!" thoughted y/n. (the voice was f/n btq if u coukldbnt tell.)

When y/n walkeded inda da room. Bingus lookked round to figure out what the FUCK a matghh was. “Hey guys is math a type a drug. It sounmds like a drug. Does anyone got any” Badli from Baldis basic parkour obby looks uo from he fucking i-pad tablet math thingy HOLYS HIT HE ETACHES MATH I FORGOT ABOUT THAT anyways and cocks (ha ha cock) a brow. “What???? No. Stupid ass bithcs/” y/n stared sob becauyse bingus hates behind called a bitch evemn though bingus LITERALY IS ONE> F/n fucking hisses (because yee ia some fucking cat thing y (not changeable)) at the single haired specuimen, “HEY! Watch how you speak to our lord and savior, Y/N. If you say something like that again I'll rip out your intestines and use them as garland. HEY! Watch how you speak to our lord and savior, Y/N. If you say something like that again I'll rip out your intestines and use them as garland.”

Thanks sylvie. Let us rejoice. All creepypasta turn to look at arlo. Who is the creepypasta m mastr,. Y/N feels the instinct to attack, lest y/n b overruled.. “Oh, hey arlo.” Jeff greeatssd. (can ewe gett jeff the carrier jeff the fuck outta here. Hes ugly.) (Yeah, imagine he’s gone now) (thx bb 😘) (no probs bucky ♥️) (*gets in dick sucking position*) (no… not right now. We have yearing/Nightmare to write. Also my bestie boo might get pissed off if she find out about this.) (fuckkk ur right… meet me behind dave and busterts at 1pm bitch boy ;) ) (fuck I hate dave and busters… but anything for you Bucky) The name unlocks a core memory in y/n. Oh god. It was that arlo. Y/N hisses, like afucfking bitch ass fuckkckkkldfsjkkjldfgvfdhjkhjkdf i hateee ey/mnnnnn. God logan jas a praise kink i hate it here. Anywhoodle im just HEYD BITCH gonna keep wrioyting n NEIO ow. STOP. STOP SPREADING LIES God this page is a mess. Torn page 4 reference. This is just liek that one page in the first edition. Shut uop logan no one cares Lets just go to the nextpage i hate this one. yeah. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4