Chapter 1

It was y/ns first day of wizard school. Bingus was super excited because bingus learned all about wizard school from bonguses favorite terf written series, harry poster. Y/N hesitantly walked intot the school building, teeth clattering. Bingus was sosooooooo nerveos, but its ok because bingus was going to find TRUE LOVE. y/n was so nervous infact that binvgus didnt even see the giant ass sattue in the middle of the hallway. “Owie moma What was that!” bingus said while holding bonguses hurt head (y/ns haed is injured because bingus ran into a metal stute. Fuckimng dumbass) bingus started crying because bingus probalyt needs to go to the hospital now for skull damage. ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!! How emabassisng!! “Hey bb girl, nice ass ;)” y/n turned around and OH MY GOD IT WAS DRACO MALFOY “W- W- W- W- WHAT!? DRACO MALFOY??” Bingus started drooling at the sight of the blondie who is age 11-35 on the age scale. This was it. Y/n had found true love at last. In the previous 11-35 yearsof bponguses life, bingus had never experienced true love. But it had come at last. “D-draco….” y/n stuttered out, drool coming from bonguses mouth. “Oh shit you're drooling what the fuck” said drco in response. He looked scared for some reason???? Who doesnt like a cute y/n drooling ta the sight of them? “s-s-s-s-s–s-s-s–s-s-s-s–s-s-s-s-s-s–s-x-s-s-s–s-s-s— sorry I just- i- i- i- i-” “Omg stfu” said draco (avid s[the letter] hater) Draco walked off , and y/ns heart broke in to 10 kajillion pieces. Someone walked over to y/n and helped bingus off the ground “Hi I’m viper, i’m the janoiter but i’m also a student btw. I’m age 3.75647893085-50.3546321793on the age scale.” y/n blooshed “ wow thats sucha cool number, it sounds rare And expotic” “It is. I killed the previous janiter to get it.” viper said with a look of homosexaulity in his eyes. “He was kinda hot tho tbh” he bloodshed there was a pause b4 he b=egan speaking again “wait dont u have to be in class” OH YAEH!!! BINGUS NEEDS TO BE AT CLASS! IT WAS BONGUS FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL AFYTER ALL “oh no i forgot about class!!! Todays been so terrible so far !” Viper stared at y/n (at least i think he did? Its hard to tell) “i can take you to class ig. Whats ur first class” he asked blankly “Oh I have the Study Of Omegas first.” “ISn’t that where th4ye teach you about the different types of omgeags? That class is weird af.” “OH UHM I DID”T PICK IT AMY CLASS IW DAEWTDYS” y/n bust out “Okay” They head to class “Lol bye” viper said leaving Y/N all by bongusself. Bingus slowly opened the doro and eeryones head SNAPPED To look at the door. “AH!! UHM- Hello!!” Even the teacher turned to y/n “oh ur late. L + Ratio. Anyway im dr mori and im gonna be ur taeher. You should come join the pronoun circle.” he said while giving an ugly ass smile y/n sat down next to a girl with red pigtails. She went first “hello my name is erica and my pronouns are she/her!” she said with a silly lil smile. She turned to look at y/n, implying it was bongusus turn. “Oh uhmmmm, my name is y/n and my pronouns are bingus/bongus….” The guy next to y/n went next “MY NAME IS BAKUGO AND MY PRONOUNS ARE NBONE OF UR BUSSNIESS” he screamed likie a child who didnt get the toy they wanted for chrtistrmas The next person to go was- wait was that a cat? “Meow meow meeow meow mewo GRRRR GRRR GRR GRR VRRGRG” (translation: Ugh is it my turn? You guys ar sooo dumb PRONOUNDS AREN’T REAL YOU DUMB DUMBS) Wow the ppl in this calss are wild. Good thing theres only one more person or otherwise y/n would rip bongus hair out. “Wow class that was so good. Im dr mori and my pronouns are he//him/gaysdni ansd im ur teacher if u didnt know” After the pronoun circle class was really boring.the most interesting thing that happened was the attempted murder and thats still boriung as hell. Just when y/n thought bongus would EXPLODE from boredom (or like literally explode, some kid was setting off bombs) the bell FINALLY RUNG. y/n rushed out of there, done with all that shit, before bingus realized that bingus didnt know where bongus next class was…. On the schedule it said the next class was How to get bitches 101 but y/n was lost. Bingus forgot to show up to orientation, and now is paying the price for bongus sins…. But just then…. Boungus savor appeared…. Kinda y/n saw someone stuck on the ceiling fan. “What the fuckkkkkkkkkk” y/n muttered under bongus breath “Ayo chief can u get me down from here” the man on the ceiling fan asked. y/n stared blankly. The man stared back. There was a long silence. “Ayo chief-” “i heard you the first time.” y/n interrupted. Bingus let out a deep sigh and used bongus flying powers to get up there and get him down. But when y/n brought him down bingus realized he was lowkey kinda hot…… “Thanks bb girl” he said with a sly lil smirk “my name is dazai and im 3-5 on the age scale” y/n was a little disappointed that hehas such a low score but it doesnt matter too much because hes hot. y/n blooshed a little before saying “oh im y/n and do u know where how to get bitches 101 class is” the man stared at y/n “oh i know where that is. Thats my best class” he smiled “i can be ur bitch if you want” oh dear god he moved fast. You dont ask o be the bitch of someone you just met . y/n was completly flabbergasted. “I. umm, i … “ bingus was so flabbergasted in fact that bingus didnt even notice dazai took bongus straight to bongus class. “Here you are!!” he said . “get back to me about the bitch thing. Youll need me for your final” what the fuck was that supposed to mean. But whatever, y/n was at bongus class now. Bingus walked in and holy shit what was that smell. “WHO IS IN HEAT RN!? YOU KNOW YOU CAN’T COME TO CLASS DURING YOUR HEAT.” someone who looked suspiciously like gordon ramsey screamed. “ hey! Us omegas need to get bitches too!” a sexy skeleton scraemed back “we cant control our heats dumbass!” “Yeah no shit! Or else you wouldn’t be stinking up the whole place!” The Gordon Ramsey clone complained. Some other losers in the background were nodding in agreement. “Oh yeah?? Well i know how to settle this. “ the hot skeleton declared. “Oh yeah what is it whore? Gordon ramsey asked “A rap battle. “ “oh yeah that sounds good. Im gonna obblierate you puppymill” “try me alpha trash” y/n stared off at them in pure and utter disappointment. School wasnt for having rap battles! i t was for getting bitches! y/n got in bongus seat as they started the rap battle. “Alright ill start” said sans “omegas deserve rights thats for sure. You shitty alphas need a cure, for ur shitty beahavior thats for sure. You alphas think about nothing but sex. Theres so much more to life like this desk “ sans gets up on the desk and hits a dab “We alphas are so much stronger than you. Why would we need a cure when u omegas are the fools. You megas are losers that cant even get bitches. If i so much as touched you youd probaly need stitches.” The clone of gordon ramsey clone did a sick fortnite dance “We omegas are stronger than u think. Weve faced oppression much worse than u, u fucking sink. If i had a boner and saw u i gureentene it would shrink. u alphas dont understand our pain. Maybe youd understand if you had a bigger brain.” “Brains arent important sans, you need a bigger dick. Its so small that it makes me feel sick. I-” gordon clone ramsey was cut off by sans “bro why u staring at my dick thats kinda gay” the crowd goes wild at the omegas statement “IM NOT GAY YOU OMEGA WHORE” gordon ramseys clone screams. But y/n stopped paying attention soon after when gordon ramsey (Yes the real him not the clone) and sans started making out. Well at least they spent most of class time rap battling, so now y/n gets to leave. Once Bingus was out the class roon bongus saw Dazai and Drco arguing “NO Y/N WILL BE MY BITCH” “NO BIGUS WILL ME MY BITCH! I DIDN’T RON AWAY FROM BONGUS LIKE SOMEONE HERE!” Dazai Glarged at the blonde “Huh? Whats this about me being anyones bitch?” Y/N asked in confusion “Oh Y/N! You’re my bitch right?” Draxo- fuck I mean Dazai asked with an alpha liked smirk even though he wasnt an alpha “What! No bongus is my Bitch!” Draco fought back “Boys, boys, boys. I canbe both your bitches.” Y/N assured them cutely Just then someone appred in the hallway. “What’s up gamers? I’ll look at you guys in a seconf I’m playing sweet dance” after about 2two minutes they looked up. “Wtf is going on here? Whos thats?” Four asked pointing at Y/N “Oh- Uhm- I’m Y/N I’m new here.” Bingus explained “L. Anyways come on bitches theres a bitch master metting going on and I need both of you there. Bye Y/N, im arlo btw” Arlo walked off leaving Dazai and Draco to follow behind. Their bitches? What! I need to get all thi persons bitches.

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